Sunday, December 30, 2007

The first post

Welcome to The Drifted. My Name is Noah Learner and I have often felt like I've drifted along, rudderless. I know it's not exactly true. I have a wonderful wife, Lori, and an amazing baby boy Named Calvin. At work, I used to have a sticky note over my computer monitor with a simple motivational sketch. The note served as my rudder for three years: A stick figure couple floated in the middle of the drawing with two little stick figure kids, floating below. Above all four stick people, my future family, was a childish drawing of a home. It had two walls and an upside-down V for a roof. I don't own my home, but we live here rent free. We have one beautiful son and are thinking of having more.

So why the hell name this damm blog, "The Drifted?"

Did I mention, noble reader, that we live on an island. We actually live on a farm on an Island named Nantucket. Our island is a sandbar that shifts with the currents and the storms. So in many ways Nantucket is also the Drifted.

It also sounded cool.

I'll think on this more.
